Supporting the energy industry to adapt to the disruptive challenges presented by the introduction of new technologies.


Ross Tech supports IEC

In late 2019 AEMO called for nominations for a number of Discretionary Information Exchange Committee (IEC) positions to apply for a 12 month period from 1 March 2020. The IEC is a statutory body established under the National Electricity Rules responsible for developing and making recommendations on changing B2B Procedures. The role and responsibilities of…
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Ross Tech supports Metering Industry Group

Doug Ross is the principle consultant at Ross Technology Consulting and we are proud to be supporting the Australian metering industry by providing the chair of its industry group. The Competitive Metering Industry Group (CMIG) represents the accredited metering service providers currently providing metering installation services in the National Electricity Market (NEM).  The CMIG works…
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Protecting customers in private power networks

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) are working through some major reforms on energy supply in embedded networks. Talk to Doug to find out how these reforms might impact your business. Hundreds of thousands of people living and working in embedded electricity networks like apartment buildings, shopping centres and retirement villages will have access to…
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